How to grow a Natural Dye Garden

Make pigments from flowers and plants

Pigment & Paintmaking Workshops

Natural Dye Garden Natural pigments, watercolor paints, plant dyes & inks

How to grow a natural dye garden?

15th February 2023

Are you an artist who dreams of creating your own natural pigments and paints? What if you could cultivate a garden filled with vibrant hues, ready to be used in your artwork, while also embracing a sustainable and fulfilling experience? I’m delighted to announce my latest course, “From Petals to Palette,” which is tailor-made for artists. Being an artist myself, I’ve long been captivated by the charm of natural pigments and the eco-friendly practice of gathering them. However, I eventually…

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Handmade Natural Dye Garden Natural pigments, watercolor paints, plant dyes & inks

A Beginner’s Guide to Eco-Printing: Learn How to Create Art with Natural Materials!

25th January 2023

In 2019, I discovered the art of eco-printing while on a week-long camping trip to the coast of Algarve in Portugal. Despite writing an article about my experience at the time, I never got around to publishing it until now, four years later! During our trip, we came across a small village called Alté. It was so charming that we decided to make a stop and explore the  village. As we were strolling through the narrow lanes of this charming…

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Handmade Natural pigments, watercolor paints, plant dyes & inks Painting & Sketching

Which paper is best for writing with (Natural) inks?

17th January 2023

Paper is a versatile medium produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibers extracted from wood, fabric rags, grasses, or other plant sources in water. The water is then drained through a fine mesh to leave the fiber evenly distributed on the surface, followed by couching, pressing, and drying. There are many different types of papers available today. The range of papers that work well with water- and alcohol-based natural inks is too vast for this article to explore. In…

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Natural Dye Garden Natural pigments, watercolor paints, plant dyes & inks

What’s happening in my Dye Garden?-Part VII

10th November 2022

This is the final post in my natural dye garden series, as the gardening season has come to an end with the arrival of autumn. My natural dye garden served as both a teaching space and a very tranquil and reinvigorating environment for me. It is time to reflect on the previous season’s accomplishments, put the garden to bed, and prepare it for the next season. I learned several things while tending to my first natural dye garden, including how…

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Natural pigments, watercolor paints, plant dyes & inks

Making Natural Inks

12th October 2022

In June 2019, I released my first post about creating natural inks. Since then, I’ve explored, experimented, and optimized my ink-making formulas using various natural substances. I have learned much about this ancient means of communication. Ink is far more sophisticated than we realize! What is Ink? There are certainly as many definitions of ink as there are varieties. The most basic definition is that ink is a colored liquid or semi-liquid material used for writing, printing, or drawing. Chemists…

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Natural pigments, watercolor paints, plant dyes & inks Painting & Sketching

Testing lightfastness of handmade artist grade paints

29th August 2022

The colors you use when creating a painting or drawing mustn’t fade over time. The last thing you need is your diligent work to gradually fade over time because the mediums you selected had poor lightfastness ratings. In this blog, I will share a simple test that you can do to get an idea of how your handmade colors will fare when exposed to sunlight. What is lightfastness? The lightfastness of paints or colorants is an attribute that determines how…

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Natural Dye Garden Natural pigments, watercolor paints, plant dyes & inks

What’s happening in my Dye Garden?!-VI

7th August 2022

Before departing on a three-week summer vacation, I visited my natural dye garden to tend to my plants, gather the blooms, and take care of the damage caused by the severe thundershowers two days before. When I arrived, the garden was in full bloom, and the pollinators were busily performing their jobs, but the thunderstorms had seriously damaged quite a few coreopsis plants. I began by collecting the bright and zingy orange cosmos flowers, then plucked the coreopsis blooms from…

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